Our Story
In the US and developed economies, internet connectivity, personal computing access and online learning programs are ubiquitous. However, irrespective of demographics and socio-economic profiles, there is still a significant decline in terms of new skills development and learning because of lack of one-to-one engagement on skills training and adoption. GROUI volunteers saw an opportunity to teach young kids in the elementary schools, the core areas of logic and programming and introduced them to the world of early programming. In the heart of bustling metros in India amidst the towering skyscrapers and the relentless hum of urban life, Samarth – the founder president of GroUI witnessed the opulence of India's elite. However, beneath the veneer of urban prosperity, Samarth couldn't help but notice the stark contrast of poverty that existed just beyond the confines of this cushioned world. During his several visits to India, Samarth saw firsthand the struggles of those living below the poverty line in the heart of rural villages and the depths of urban slums; their lives a constant battle against hunger, disease, and illiteracy. Yet, amidst the despair, Samarth was tremendously touched by their remarkable spirit of resilience and innovation. He observed the ingenious ways in which they adapted and thrived, their 'Jugaad'* culture, a testament to their resourcefulness and determination.
As Samarth tried to get involved and make a global difference, he realized that a registered non-profit organization would provide a platform to get more people involved in an organized way as well as to enable donations with tax breaks. GroUI has several young officers on its board. In the spirit of “Jugaad” culture, GroUI also recruits adults and senior citizens as volunteers to get involved in a meaningful way. GroUI has partnered meaningfully with Patang, an India based non-profit organization, to provide resources and engagement to empower the youth and young adults in rural Odisha to take charge of their own development. GroUI continues its work and remains true to the spirit of jugaad - in the face of adversity, the human spirit could find a way to adapt, innovate, and thrive. *Jugaad culture is a term used to describe the Indian practice of finding frugal and innovative solutions to problems, often with limited resources. It is characterized by a resourcefulness and adaptability that has allowed people in India to overcome many challenges.
Volunteering as judge at a FLL event for a middle school robotics competition
Our Progress & Path Forward
Support STEM programs in local Atlanta Area by continuing to take classes specifically on programming and coding.
Connect with a Local Library for a STEM Awareness and possibly a Programming competition
Local Community - Donations to local organizations like Must Ministries
Giving Internationally
Donation (in kind and time) through Patang.
Raise funds to continue a “need based scholarship” for a student in rural India.
Recruit senior citizens to engage with young people in rural Odisha and take academic classes. The computers donated will be used to enable such interactions